AeroSusp Release History
Version |
5.4.6 | FIX: T-bar anti-roll angle not reported correctly |
5.4.5 | FIX: Handles vertical anti-roll bars |
5.4.4 | FIX: T-bar not moved correctly when adjusting by pushrod length |
5.4.2-3 | FIX: All link load tables now saved from command line, All Channels table exported correctly from command line |
5.4.1 | NEW: Added command line support for export of all tables |
5.4.0 |
![]() |
5.3.8 | CHANGE: ChassisMotion now saved with suspension data file, was application setting, can now be automated |
5.3.7 | NEW: Added T-bar ARB ratio calcs |
5.3.6 | FIX: Corrected lateral ARB output |
CHANGE: Speeded up calculations | |
5.3.5 | NEW: Added ARB to upright option for outboard spring systems |
5.3.4 | NEW: Now exports to AeroLap SUSPVAR v2.2 (ARB Ratio and ARB Angle columns added) |
NEW: ARB Ratio channel added | |
5.3.3 | FIX: Boolean value was written in English - not internationally aware |
CHANGE: SUSPVAR export now sets AeroLap.SuspVariable.SteeringGeometryType to Parallel for rear suspensions | |
5.3.2 | FIX: Pasting points from Excel was broken |
5.3.0-1 | NEW: Added command line automation for export |
NEW: Added AeroLap SUSVAR v2.1 export format | |
5.2.1 | NEW: Added lateral roll centre position channel |
5.2.0 | NEW: Added laterally oriented third spring |
CHANGE: "Force ratio" renamed "Velocity ratio" for consistency with AeroLap | |
5.1.11 | FIX: ARB input drop link position could be found incorrectly for some geometries |
5.1.10 | FIX: Wheel/Rack travel on main form was always in mm |
NEW: Open Licence Folder option added to Help menu | |
CHANGE: Maximum number of steps increased from 25 to 50 | |
5.1.9 | NEW: Channel order in Custom Table can be user defined |
5.1.8 | NEW: ARB to upright option addded to Mapherson strut |
NEW: Paper orientation persisted | |
5.1.5-7 | NEW: Steering table now exported to AeroLap |
5.1.0-4 | NEW: Macpherson strut added |
5.0.5 | FIX: Could not init AeroLapCalc to export SuspVar |
5.0.3-4 | FIX: Minor UI issues resolved |
5.0.2 | FIX: Better behaviour when starting up unlicensed |
5.0.1 | CHANGE: Licensing now controlled by DK2 dongle, not software locking. |
NOTE! v5 will install alongside a v4.x installation, i.e. it will not remove it first. You are recommended to manually uninstall v4 first. Some executable and library file paths have changed. | |
4.4.0 | NEW: Centre spring can now be chosen independently of corner spring (previously could only select centre with corner) |
NEW: ARB mechanism can now be chosen independently of spring mechanism (previously could only have T-bar ARB with centre spring) | |
4.3.5 | CHANGE: Now allows inverted dampers that extend in bump |
4.3.4 | FIX: Incorrect calculation of T-bar arb force ratio |
CHANGE: Help definition for pushrod ratio clarified | |
NEW: Copy and Paste buttons added to Static Points page of Edit Geometry dialog | |
4.3.3 | NEW: Export to AeroLap SVR file |
CHANGE: Export format now tab not comma separated to cope with European decimal separators | |
4.3.0-2 | NEW: T-Bar anti-roll bar and third spring models added |
NEW: Adjust to Ride Height option added. Adjustment can be by suspension heave travel, or by push/pull rod extension | |
NEW: Fully customisable results export added. All views can now be exported, including plots. All channels can be exported in one operation. | |
NEW: Fully customisable table view added. | |
NEW: Calculations speeded up | |
NEW: AutoScale option added to 3d view | |
NEW: Any table view can be copied to Clipboard | |
NEW: Cross hair cursors with value read out added to Plot view | |
NEW: Last plot channel retained when swapping views | |
NEW: Up/Down/Left/Right arrow keys for wheel and rack travel navigation | |
NEW: More toolbar buttons for quick access to common views | |
NEW: Push rod force ratio added to table, available for selection in plots | |
CHANGE: Channel names sorted in alphabetic order | |
CHANGE: Help completely revised, changed to newer Help engine | |
FIX: Ackerman calculation made consistent with help defintion | |
4.2.0 | NEW: DXF export added |
4.1.3 | CHANGE: Handles more top rocker-wishbone layouts, improvements to 3d view |
NEW: Link loads report now applies acceleration loads at hub height | |
4.1.2 | NEW: You can now choose whether or not to print static coordinates on each print out |
NEW: Plots now always print out in landscape | |
NEW: A new Export feature allows you to export the contents of any table to a file | |
4.1.1 | NEW: You can set a load case for the Link Loads Report in the Suspension Properties dialog. A combined load force is now calculated for each link in the report |
NEW: Description page added to Suspension Properties for user notes | |
CHANGE: All Link Load tables are now printed out when any one is selected | |
4.1.0 | NEW: Two types of anti-roll bar can now modelled. A separate table has been added showing ARB values including instantaneous roll stiffness. Total Wheel Rate now includes ARB stiffness. |
NEW: Suspension Properties dialog is now now non-modal, and can be used alongside main window to interactively edit points. Several small user interface improvements to dialog. | |
CHANGE: Considerable improvement in speed from a major internal optimisation. | |
CHANGE: File format now all new. Version 4.0 and 3.x files can still be read, but v4.1 files cannot be read by v4.0 software. Wheel and rack travel values are now saved with each geometry, not to the registry. | |
CHANGE: Better user messaging if error during file read | |
CHANGE: On-line help system improved with Help buttons on all dialogs, content modified | |
FIX: tire contact patch point was locked to hub, now recalculated as tangent to ground plane for all positions. Slight change in all channels dependent on this point even in heave. | |
FIX: Some v3.6 files and lower were not read in correctly, now fixed. | |
4.0.9 | First production release of v4. |